Regicide Dungeon Nights Manifest

this is a rought draft - and by no means complete or perfect - please take it in the spirit as intended

Regicide lives in a web of cellars and catacombs in Antwerp

Our events will happen here - anyone who supports this manifest and wants to perform live in Belgium, Antwerp - get in touch via

Regicide loves the dark side of the Moog

Our foundations are in dungeon synth, dark ambient, experimental black metal, music concrete, Berlin school, cassette culture and outsider music - anything that breaks the hectic pace of the modern world; meditative or cerebral can be celebrated here. We do not gatekeep authenticity.

Regicide supports storytellers and loremasters

Whether you’re a fan of old literature, pulp fantasy, or a dungeon master inspired to make the soundtrack of your own world or a scholar; you are more than welcome to share your passion or tell a story with us on stage. Bring costumes and props!

Regicide respects old and new gods - pagans, witches, magicians and shamans

You are welcome to lead a ceremony, perform a ritual or cast a spell - within reasonable confines of health & safety and respect for the venue’s cleanup crew of course.


Regicide stands firmly against any form of identitarian politics, bigotry and racism

Hateful slave ideologies are not welcome here - neither on stage or in the merch. Artists who shared stage with such individuals will be met with the necessary scrutiny and skepticism. Whining about this will not help you case - any threats against my person will be made public.

Regicide does not discriminate against cultural upbringing, ability or social caste

Whether you have a full modular rig, or found an abandoned Casio by the side of the road Whether you're a professional jazz pianist or press play on the DAW. As long as it’s your music we don’t really care.

Not everyone has the resources to buy and travel with expensive gear, afford music education or even have the time to master an instrument. We do not suffer snobs - we prefer good taste over talent and fond memories over production value.

Regicide is for good vibes and nurtures a culture of respect and inclusivity

Not interested in policing how people conduct themselves online or irl, but if your ego is too big to apologize for an homophobic outburst or insist on being a jerk in general then you’ll never be welcome here. Artists take responsibility for their own reputation on these matters to ensure a welcoming space for people from all walks of life.

Regicide embraces human made art and does not endorse corporate AI generated content.

We support technical innovation and are careful not to blanket-ban AI tools - however, we do feel strongly about the current state of the tech industry and trend of generative AI tools to be an affront to human morals and dignity. Therefore we currently do not allow any AI generated media used in performance or sold as merch. We did not come to this conclusion lightly, so if you don’t agree then please keep your opinion to yourself and move on.

Artists who got scammed or weren't aware of the issue when commissioning art for their album cover have nothing to worry about as long as they’re honest about what happened - but if you get caught trying to deceive us will be met with shame and ridicule. We do not suffer posers.

That being said, Algo-Art is also allowed! We make a distinction between “using AI” and “being used by the AI industry”. Show us your process.

Regicide stands for fair treatment for artists, fans and ourselves

To ensure events are accessible to everyone we will strive to keep the cost of admission as low as possible and will always work with a door deal - after prioritizing travel expenses.